That last post...

Was old! I've drifted away from the action here and become immersed in EAC business and action around the farm and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah... Anyway, the girls are much older and are still rocking it! They are dealing with their first snow and some really cold temperatures (down to 10 degrees F last night) and seem to be doing well. 


And the chickens are rocking it too! We have nine layers now, or maybe 8, or 10. We think that everyone except for 1 or 2 of the speckled sussex are laying. We go 8 eggs yesterday despite the cold temperatures and limited daylight...


It has been a long time coming. Like most things we do, we didn't follow the straight path and it took lots of planning and prepping and forgetting and fretting and crafting and laughing, but after all of that action, the kids came to FH! Fawn, Fraggle, Ferny and Francis Friday joined our family in early July and we could not be happier. They are extraordinary animals and we have been loving them up each and every day. They came to us at 8 weeks, freshly weaned and ready for the world. 

bringing the girls home from River View Farm...

bringing the girls home from River View Farm...

Day 1 at Fern Hollow. From left: Francis Friday, Ferny, Fawn and Fraggle

Day 1 at Fern Hollow. From left: Francis Friday, Ferny, Fawn and Fraggle

Ferny and Francis Friday are sisters and are just about 17 weeks old now, while Fawn and Fraggle are each about 18 weeks old.


We are learning our routines and enjoying seeing them grow and their unique personalities emerge. They are smart, smart beings and so loving and sweet. We are very grateful. 

summerness summation

Summer has been summering right along, and in a sense, it is almost over for us. We will be returning to work and school in the coming weeks- re-immersing in all things EAC. So it seems a recording of some of the beauty that came our way this season is in order. And there was a lot... in fact, maybe trying to list out all the fun that was had is a mistake. Kind of like describing the most beautiful sunset you've ever seen by listing all of the gases in the sun and particles in the air altering the colors our eyes perceive. Doesn't quite do it justice. Instead, let's start with one single aspect of our amazing summer, go into some detail and see where that leads...

Let's step into it with the chickens!

Nice view...

The chickens came our way in April. We got them in waves over a period of about a month. This made the brooding process rather interesting as we had to keep some of the littler girls separate from the rest of the flock. 

palm-sized puffballs...

They were insanely cute and we had so much fun being with them, taking care of them, and watching them grow at a staggeringly rapid rate.

We'll go into more detail in future posts about their individual awesomeness, but for now the images can do the story telling. We'll also create a separate post detailing the coop construction in which we took a dilapidated old shed and turned it into lovely living quarters for our feathered family!